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- COPYRIGHT (C) 1987
- IFF2PS is a shareware program for the AMIGA(TM) which converts
- IFF ILBM (interleaved bit map) files such as those created by Deluxe
- Paint(TM) to PostScript(TM) image files for half-tone printing on laser
- printers, such as the Apple LaserWriter(TM), which support PostScript.
- This version supports IFF ILBM files in all of the standard AMIGA view
- modes (i.e., high resolution, interlace, and HAM (hold and modify)).
- As noted above, IFF2PS is a shareware program. Shareware is a
- concept wherein computer software can be distributed in a manner which
- allows potential users to try out the software without having to
- purchase it initially. If you become a regular user of this program,
- please become a registered owner by contributing to its continued
- development and improvement. Details are given below in the section
- entitled "SHAREWARE".
- As shareware, this program is not in the public domain. It may
- be distributed free of charge to anyone by anyone as long as it is
- accompanied by this document. IFF2PS may not be distributed for a fee
- with the permission of the authors. An exception is made for
- non-profit user's groups which my charge a reasonable fee in order to
- defray the cost of duplication and distribution.
- This version of IFF2PS operates only from the CLI. It requires
- that the stack be set to at least 8000 (i.e., Stack 8000). It has two
- possible modes of operation. There is a UN*X-like mode with command
- line arguments entered on the execution line and an interactive mode
- where the user is prompted for the required information.
- In the first mode, the execution line takes the form:
- iff2ps -i iffname [-o output] [-g #grays] [-n] [-c #copies] [-?]
- where the "-i" keyword is required and is followed by "iffname" the
- name of the IFF input file. The parameters in brackets are optional
- and are defined as follows:
- -o output Send PostScript data to "output". This may be a
- file name or "ser:". If "ser:" is used, it is
- assumed that the AMIGA has been PROPERLY connected
- via the serial port to the laser printer. (Note:
- See section on connecting printers below.) If this
- option is omitted, the output will be sent to a file
- whose name is created by appending a ".p" to the input
- file name. This file will reside in the same directory
- as the input file.
- -g #grays Number of gray shades to be used in the half-toned image.
- There are only four possible values for the number
- of gray shades: 2, 4, 16, 256. If this option is omitted,
- the next number greater than or equal to the number
- of colors in the IFF file will be used. For example:
- a 320 by 200 pixel by 5 bit planes (32 colors) picture
- would default to 256 gray shades while a 640x400x4
- (16 color) picture would default to 16 gray shades.
- If an image contains a pure white color, it will be
- rendered as pure white in the half-toned print. In
- order to get a half-toned white (99 percent of pure
- white) instead of pure white, enter the number of
- gray shades as a negative number (e.g., -g -256).
- Special effects (and smaller output files) can be obtained
- by choosing fewer gray shades than colors in the original
- picture. Choosing 2 shades will result in a high contrast
- image while choosing 4 shades for a picture with
- greater than 4 colors will result in a posterized effect.
- -n Negative image. Can be used with any choice of the number
- of gray shades.
- -c #copies Number of copies. The practical upper limit on the number
- of copies is governed by the number of sheets which the
- printer paper tray will hold. The default value is 1.
- If you want multiple copies of the same image, use
- this option instead of running the code multiple times
- as it is orders of magnitude faster.
- -? Produces a synopsis of usage when used with no other
- parameters.
- The second mode of execution is an interactive mode which is
- initiated by typing only the program name from the CLI. The program
- will then prompt for the parameters which are described above.
- The size of the PostScript format output file created by IFF2PS
- can be roughly calculated from the equation
- where SIZE is the size in bytes, WIDTH and HEIGHT are the respective
- width and height (in pixels) of the IFF picture and B=(1, 2, 4, 8)
- respectively as g=(2, 4, 16, 256). For example, a 320x200x5 picture
- with 32 colors represented by a range of 256 shades of gray would
- result in a PostScript file of approximately 128K bytes while a high
- contrast image of the same picture would require only about 16K bytes.
- A 640x400x4 HIRES picture with 16 colors represented by 16 gray shades
- or a 320x400 HAM picture using 256 gray shades to represent 4096
- colors will result in a file more than 256K long.
- There are two possible solutions for handling large files. One
- is to go directly to the serial port by specifying "ser:" as the
- output option in which case no file is saved. Another is to save
- the files to disk and compress them using a file compression utility.
- Experience has shown that a typical PostScript image file will
- compress by about 70-80 percent.
- In order to send a previously saved PostScript file to the
- printer use either the CLI copy or type command in the form:
- copy pfile to ser:
- or
- type pfile to ser:
- where "pfile" is the name of the PostScript file.
- Incorrect connection of a laser printer to the serial port on the
- AMIGA could cause serious damage to the printer, the computer or both.
- Make sure that you obtain complete information about serial
- connections for both the AMIGA and the laser printer you plan to use
- before making the connection. Note particularly, that pins 14, 21, and
- 23 on the AMIGA serial connector are designed to supply external power
- and should definitely not be connected to any current laser printer.
- If you do not understand how to make the proper connection between the
- AMIGA and the laser printer, get help from a knowledgeable person.
- It is also important to set the AMIGA preferences to correspond
- to those required by the laser printer. For example, the Apple
- LaserWriter requires a setting of 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity,
- xon/xoff.
- This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. The author
- accepts no responsibility for the usefulness or accuracy of this
- program. As stated above, this program may only be distributed when
- accompanied by this document.
- If you find this program useful and continue to use it, please
- become a registered owner by sending $15.00(US) to:
- William Mason
- 1709 Timberlake Circle
- Lodi, CA 95242
- As a registered owner, you will receive a disk containing the
- latest version of the program along with a more complete user's manual
- and several examples (both hardcopy and as files). You will also be
- put on a mailing list to receive information about bug-fixes, updates,
- and enhancements. Please send any comments, either pro or con which
- you may have about the program to the author so that future
- improvements can better reflect the needs of the users.